15 Park Avenue
Caught up with 15 Park Avenue on Tuesday. This was my first Aparna Sen movie, i had missed Mr. and Mrs. Iyer somehow. One thing that struck me while watching the movie is how a story about a serious and complicated disease like schrzophrenia can be told so simplistically. There in lies the difference between Black and 15 park avenue. While both movies deal with a person and his family struggling to cope with disability or a disease, Black does it in so melodramatic and over the top way. I immediately started to dislike Black after watching this movie. Simplicity in story telling is a huge plus and you realize this watching this movie. However i didnt get the ending though. Was it meant to convey that while Mithi finds her ultimate destination in her unreal world, all others around her grapple to find happiness in their very real world? I dont know, anyone who saw the movie intrepreted it in any other way???
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