Saturday, February 04, 2006

Ramblings about office life

Its that time of the year again. November to January are the worst months of office life according to me. Its the time when the year's performances are evaluated and goodies or badies are doled out. The atmosphere during these two months completeley changes. Everyone looks, behaves and acts fake, rumours flow, bitching goes on as if there is no tommorow and asses are licked till the saliva in mouths dries up:)And it is during these times that i question myself, what i am doing in this orgnization or that matter any organization. I have worked in three firms till now and have had 3 performance aprriaisals. In the first i wasnt good enough, second i was good but not smart, and in the third and current i am both good and smart but.. i dunno. I have come to realize now that to grow in an organization Visibility is the key factor. Being great at your work matters but only that much, its the visibility that takes you the extra mile.

So after my third performance appraisal, i have found that i can never grow in an organization. I just cant go out of my way to tom tom myself. This may look like bitching of a loser, but its not. I admire no i am in even awe of people who are smart enough and grow in an organization, beleive me not everybody can do that.My point is some people by nature are not made for it, and i am one of them.

Then what i am doing working my ass off if i have realized this........... Hmmm i havent found still what i love to do. And till then i remain a nobody in a big organization.


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