Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Old politics comes back to haunt new economics

Arjun Singh is an old bozo.At a time when our nation is finally on the brink of realizing hidden potential, the last thing you need is an old bozo at such an important cabinet portfolio.

Education will be the single most important measure according to me that will decide whether our nation will become a developed country by 2020. Education is a great empowerer. It demolishes such aliens like ignorance and poverty at once. We have over the past constantly neglected this vital area and continue to do so. Not only our percentage spending on education insufficient, the implementation methods are woefully inadequate. New money and new ideas are needed to correct this great anomoly. But alas we have an old bozo with his old poltics at the helm bringing back the ghost of reservations.

Nobody will dispute the fact that certain sections of our society are discriminated against and need help. I myself am from upper caste and at some level seen this discrimination. But you dont correct this decades of inequality by a top down, quick fix approach. What is even the point of giving reservations at IIMs when half of the population who are eligible for reservations drop out of school.

But old politics dont work on logic or common sense. Old politics works on appeasement and electorial dividend. I just hope that 10 years of new economics(inadequate though) has prepared even the poorest of poor people to call the bluff of old politics.


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