Saturday, March 11, 2006


I dont get it, i just dont. Its a thing with people of my generation i think or is it people like me? . 7 months into my new job i am already cribbing. It was different during my father's generation wasn't it, call it loyality or maturity to handle boredom, they worked for 35-40 years in a single organization, doing the same thing over and over again.

What drove them? Ha the key word "The Drive"

Whats my drive?

Money- Necessary for a decent life, but i wont kill myself to get more of it- Ruled out

Achieving Coporate excellence- You must be kidding, i pull myself everyday to work- Ruled out

Family- My dad is a self made man he doesn't need my help, mom is taken care too that way. I am single not married and even if i do get married,i wont go out of the way to make my kids or wife happy. Atleast i defnetly wont leave a legacy or an empire behind- Ruled out

So there, whats my drive?

Hmm,that someday i will find what i love to do and my search of it.

So the search for a passion is on.


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