Thursday, August 03, 2006

The clash is within

I have been postponing this post for quite long. Yesterday's conversation with buddy Ranjan and some sanity at work finally pushed me to write this. Ranjan asked me what do i think of the on going Middle East crisis. My reply was its a long and turbulent conflict which i know little about, except a reading of Larry Collins book "O Jerusulem" and Steven Speilberg's Munich, both of which are accused of a Jewish bias. But i want to cast the web a little wider to comment on religion and fundamentalism.

We all have a fundamentalist side to us. I grew up in a familly which beleived in the right wing RSS ideology. The righ wingers always argue that Hinduism is basically the most tolerant religion in the world. I disagree. The utterly regressive rituals, the fuedal caste setup and a history of communical violence dispute the thought. The fact that we still have Modi as one of our Chief Minsister says a lot about fundamntalism in our community. But look around and you will see more liberal voices drowining the voices of fundamnetalism.And its not an irony that Hindu fundmantalism was born as a force to counter extreme minoritysm.

The same is true with Chritianity. Through out the history, voices against the church have been loud and aggressive. From gay activist fighting for their rights to NGOs demanding the chruch to come in favor of use of contraceptives, liberal voices have dared the church.

But Islam? The problem with Islam is not Osama Bin laden, but that educated youth in East London who bombs a tube station, because his co-religionists in a far away land are being killed or some editor has published a cartoon on the prophet.How come in the French riots almost all were Muslim youths? Why is it more hard for a muslim youth to integrate into a free society than say a Indian hindu? Why is it that a muslim majority country is never completely secular?

Much has been made out of innocent lives being lost in the on going war. While it is sad and regrettable, thats the price a civil society pays when fundamentalism beats liberalism.

Thats the reason why every riot or every action in the name of religious sentiments should be curbed and culprits punished. Thats why we have to raise our voices in support of Da Vinchi Code, MF Hussain & Salman Rushdie. Thats why we have to celebrate Valentines day despite those Shiv Sainiks.

Because if we dont, society will implode. The clash is not of civilizations, the clash is within.


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