Sunday, June 04, 2006


I watched Fanaa last week. I have strange relationship with the movies that come out of the Yashraj block. Its the same that my mom shares with Saas bahu serials. You hate it, but still watch it.

I hate the charecters of their movies. They have absolutely no issues to tackle in life except love, they are all billoniers, yet magically always find time to dance, sing and attend endless karvachauths parties (while i toil 16 hrs a day and yet cant buy a car) and they are always always good and hip looking. They should be banned for being so elitist:). So like expected i hated Fanaa too.

But i was more dissapointed with Aamir's performance. However pahetic some of his movies may be, his perfomances have always risen above the script and moved me. But i thought in this movie his acting was uneven. Agreed it was an extremely underwritten role, but u expect an actor of his caliber to overcome it. He even looked old and a touch overweight, is the man losing his touch? Hope not


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