Saturday, June 24, 2006

Rakhi Sawant gets kissed- What does it say about our culture?

Tv channels are flush with scenes of Rakhi Sawanth getting kissed by Mika singh. Whehter such things should be covered in prime time news channels is a matter of another debate (Media content nowadays has reached a point of beyond help)

But the reaction of the media and people to it says something about our society thats sickening to me. In one of the programmes, i think it was CNN-IBN, she asked what if the same thing had happened to Aishwarya Rai, would the media reacted the same way? And i feel she has a valid point

People do differnet things for a living. I do investment banking and she dances and exposes. She might be vulgar, loud mouthed and too in the face, but that doesnt give anybody the right to assume she is loose. And even if she is, its her decision alone to allow somebody to kiss her or not.

At the end of the day she does what she does, to make a living, it may not be pleasing to you or me but ultimately it fills her and her family's stomach. It takes a wonderful journalist to humanize the stories of these girls, whom most of us consider loose. Read sonia's wonderful accounts of the bar girls and item dancers in her past posts.I am not linking individual posts go through her blog but, its journalism at the very best

Here is the link


Blogger Bohemian said...

Rajeev, I do agree with you on Rakhi doing what not for a living.Well its her prerogative.What does the media have to do with it, but unfortunately what we do not see is that it is very easily a collabortive effort of the victim and the media.Rakhi Sawant has been doing what she has for quite some time now, but never before has she been able to garner such widespread publicity.Don't u think it is not a co-incidence that she gets kissed and gets to talk about it in Prime time, and eventually goes on to sign some big-films ?
Think about it.

12:51 AM  

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