Saturday, September 30, 2006

Men wil be Men, Boys will be Boys and suchlike

This blog is mainly read by family and freinds. So my desperate attempt to be remotely funny may drive few visitors away. So let me warn you what follows in this post might offend you. But what the heck. Regular readers and people whose mailboxes i spam at an alarming rate, would know from where the inspiration of this post comes from. Yes, Yes only inspiration, i am a huge fan of Anu Malik and Mahesh Bhatt. So here is my rant on Men and what we do

Sex must be discussed: Dont get me wrong, we do discuss other things like world poverty, corruption and suchlike, but no discussion involving men is ever complete without discussing sex. And age is no bar at all. Be it a bunch of Mechanical engineers in whose close vicinity nothing remotely feminine ever crosses (The group i once belonged) or a bunch of mature happily married middle aged men (the bunch i aspire one day to be a part of), sex has to be touched upon.

We have to check out: Put a bunch of men in a room to solve the crisis of the world from an impending alien attack. They will all be fine and gung ho about it, until a moderately hot women passes by. I bet on my life that all of them will check out the woman, leaving world saving businesss hanging in the air for a moment. No, No, we dont mean any mailce, its just that we have to check out. we are wired that way

Sport is our religion: If sex is god, sport is religion. From a geeky bookworm to a hotshot hunk every man is hooked on to atleast one sport, it doesnt matter even its as mundane and boring as chinese checker

Cars are the next best thing: All men hate shopping, ateast majority do. But ask them to go from showroom to showroom to check out cars, they will do it all day. There is something about the BMW convertible that tickle the same part of the brain in a man, as it does when he sees a skimply dressed dame.

We are all the same: If you have a girlfriend or you watch as much bad Bollywood movies as i do, you must have heard that all men are same. The sad truth is we all are. Only the above four thing interest us and we ourselves are quite banal, boring and unintresting.

But women are different, like the wonderful country of ours they are quite a diverse group, on which i will write in my next post. I am a huge fan of women.


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